Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Workshop II: Shhhhh! Don't Wake the Toddler!


Cicely Brown said...

Pre- or post-haircut?

Glenn said...

Ha! Ha! Definitely post-haircut. If it was pre-, the workshop participants would all look afraid of me.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked by the incredible neatness of the flipcharts. Full paragraphs, text in straight lines, no cross outs, no lines connecting ideas in weird patterns. My workshops never look that neat; then again, even I have a hard time reading my own handwriting. Shocked, yes, but truly impressed. No wonder your workshop was a success: everyone understood what was being discussed. Kudos to you!


PS I've been in British Columbia since June 13 to teach at an executive program. When I arrived, my beloved laptop pooped out on me, and so I was barely able to access email in the business centre of the leadership centre where we stayed. Sorry for the long delay in making comments.